In 1 Samuel 14, The Philistines, Israel's greatest nemesis, was at it again.
Jonathan left the lazy army behind, grabbed his armor-bearer, and together climbed the craggy rock face to where the enemy army was camped.
Two men
Just two.
That's all.
Where Jesus is, lies the majority. The battle belongs to the Lord. With Jesus on the battlelines, NOTHING can hinder from saving by many or by few. It makes no difference.
There is a war raging. He will engage the enemy. He will reign victorious.
He asks us to go along for the ride.
That's right, we are NOT Jonathan in this story. We are the little armor-bearer. He fights, we follow! He defeats, we do the mop-up work.
Next time he calls you into a super-secret covert mission, just you and Him, respond in like manner as this armor-bearer: "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish, I am with you heart and soul."